Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Workout/Weigh In Wednesday

I've been doing good to get in 2 posts in a week here lately - and somehow I'm getting in 2 today alone!!

Today, I'm linking back up with Skinny Meg for Workout Wednesday as well as Heather, Ash, Bailey, and Amy for Weigh In Wednesday.


Wednesday, July 3
I posted here about the Stars and Stripes 5K that I ran here in Memphis.  It was a great time (except for the train), and I'll definitely be returning to this race!

Thursday, July 4
I took the 4th a little easy and went to the pool for some laps.  I got in 950 yards in 30 minutes.  I still have a ways to go with my swimming, but that was the most I have gotten in in a 30 minute swim.

Friday, July 5
Today was HEAT Class.  We began the class with 8 minutes of burpees (I did 101!!!), followed by this workout which I finished in 22:14.

This one actually wasn't too bad - in comparison to others we have done.

Saturday, July 6
Today I headed to Breakaway Germantown to run with the St Jude Marathon Training group.  They have a 24 week training plan and this was week 2.  We had a 5 mile run on the Greenway, which is nice since you don't have to dodge any traffic.  My pace was a LOT slower than Wednesday - which is attributed to the heat and humidity........even at 7:00am.

Sunday, July 7
I headed to my favorite yoga class today then followed it up with a 12.5 bike ride with a friend of mine.  She wasn't feeling 100% so we took it a little easy, but still finished in ~1:10.

Monday, July 8
This was a super busy day.  My first workout was HEAT class.

We had so many people that we had to stagger where we started.  We all started with the 800M run, then I went to the ball slams and worked my way through the exercises in order with the exception of the jumping jacks.  They were at the end for everyone.  I finished in 25:20.

Immediately after HEAT, I headed out to Shelby Farms for the first night of the Memphis Run/Walk Program.  I am helping coach the Intermediate I group of runners.  We began with a 5 minute walk then alternated running and walking for 3 minutes each for ~35 minutes followed by a cool down walk back to our starting location.  

This is my first year as a coach and it so good to see so many women getting out and being active.  At this time there are well over 1000 women registered in the program and it is still open for registration until the end of the month.  The program will finish in early September with a graduation 5K for all the women.

Tuesday, July 9

Pretty Strong Medicine

Now for the Weigh In!!

Previous Weight - 141.6
Today's weight - 141.0
Difference - -.6

It's not much, but it's still going in the right direction.  The challenge coming up is going to be vacation.  I will be leaving Friday to head to the beach for a week.  I don't want to ruin all the hard work that I have done in the last month, so I have motivation to be "somewhat" good while I am there.  My goal for the trip is to not gain - therefore I am planning to get in either a run or a bike ride everyday we are down there.

Until next time!!!



  1. Holy Moly! You, my dear, are a BEAST! 8 minutes of burpees? and that HEAT workout? I aspire to be you one day.

    I'm tired just reading this!

  2. WOW! Those HEAT classes sound tough!!!! Congrats on doing them! lol! I'd have been a stumble-r lol.

    Have a great time at the beach!!! :)

    Kalee @

  3. That is a crazy work out and kind of scares me!
    You go girlie!
    Thanks for linking up :)
